set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "16"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "99"& QUOTE set temp2= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "116"& QUOTE set tempv3= "set videoName = " & QUOTE & "MAYONNAI"& QUOTE & RETURN & "go movie "& QUOTE & "TOURS" & QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #63:temp0,#214:temp1,#115:temp2] set VideoList = [ #109:tempv3] @ GOURMET OYSTERS Trim the sorrel and the spinach, rinse several times under water and drain. Sweat the sorrel in 2 tablespoons of hot butter and blanch the spinach in a large quantity of salted boiling water, cook for 3 minutes, drain and rinse twice under cold water then chop the spinach. Prepare the Hollandaise sauce: put 1 egg yolk into a saucepan, season with salt and pepper and dilute with the vinegar. Place the saucepan over a double boiler on the stove and bind the sauce by whisking in 4 1/2 oz of butter cut into small pieces. Whisk until the sauce thickens to the consistency of a mayonnaise then leave to cool. Thinly dice the onion and the green bell pepper. Sweat them in very little butter and add the crushed green peppercorns. Add the white wine, reduce by 3/4, then add the sorrel, the spinach and the cream. Bring to a boil, take off the stove, add the Hollandaise sauce and the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Set aside. Open up the oysters, lay them in a gratin dish lined with seaweed (it will hold the oyster up). Bake for 5 minutes in a medium oven. Bring out of the oven, scoop a large tablespoon of sauce over each oyster and glaze for a few seconds under the grill. Serve immediately. @ 36 portuguese oysters or fines de claires variety 1 onion 1 green pepper 1/2 lb sorrel 1/2 lb spinach 2 cups white wine 1/2 cup cream 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp green peppercorns salt, pepper 1 tsp vinegar 6 oz butter 1/2 lemon @ 30 mn @ 5 mn @ @ Restaurant @ Fish @ Jean MOREAU @ Sancerre @